Carpinus orientalis

Oriental hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis)

The Oriental hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis) is a species of the genus of hornbeam (Carpinus ) in the birch family ( Betulaceae ). It is native to southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. The deciduous tree is very rare to find in Central Europe in collections.


The Oriental Hornbeam is a small tree. The leaves are only about 2-5 inches long and egg-shaped. Each sheet has 11 to 15 pairs of nerves and is doubly serrated. The smooth bark is gray striped with light purple tint and yellow. The bracts ( bracts ) of the seed heads are dark green, sharply cut and have the form of small leaves.


The first description by the English botanist Philip Miller was published in 1768.


  • Alan Mitchell, translated and edited by Gerd Krüssmann: The forest and park trees in Europe: a field guide for dendrologists and nature lovers. Paul Parey, Hamburg and Berlin, 1975, ISBN 3-490-05918-2.

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