Catacombs of Rome

There are more than 60 catacombs in Rome, of which only some are open to the public. The most famous Roman catacombs are located on the Via Appia Antica, which leads out of the city to the south.


The oldest catacombs outside Rome are pre-Christian in origin. For example, even Jewish catacombs ( Catacombs Ebraiche ) on the Via Appia Antica have survived.

The Christians adopted the custom of burying their dead in catacombs, in the 2nd century. By the 5th century, the catacombs, new and existing, significantly expanded by the Christians. Many martyrs were buried in it, and it created places of worship of saints, which were also worship and Christian festival gatherings took place. In the equipment of the rooms, which were built up to the extent of an underground basilica, valuable early Christian symbols are obtained.

The catacombs were not used as a secret hideout for persecuted Christians, because they were secret in any way. Only later legends have portrayed the catacombs as a refuge.

When invasion of the Germans in the 4th century catacombs many were destroyed. With the decline of Rome, they came gradually into oblivion. In the 8th and 9th centuries the Popes bring the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs in the churches of Rome, about to Santa Prassede, where the bones of 2,000 martyrs found their last resting place in the crypt.

Only in modern times began the rediscovery and systematic exploration of the Roman catacombs, especially by the Katakombenforscher Antonio Bosio (1575-1629) and the archaeologists Gian Battista de Rossi ( 1822-1894 ).

Sebastian Catacombs

The entrance to the Catacombs of San Sebastiano has the address Via Appia Antica 136 About this catacombs was the San Sebastiano church built in the 4th century, which was awarded in 1632 its present baroque facade. In the church, the relic of a footprint of Christ is kept.

St. Callistus catacombs

The Catacombs of San Callisto has the address Via Appia Antica 110 Here are located on an area of ​​15 ha aboveground approximately 500,000 graves at five levels. In addition there are 63 family graves and tombs. The courses have a total length of about 20 kilometers. In a crypt nine Popes of the 3rd century were buried, including Pope Sixtus II Also there is a chamber in which the Saint Cecilia is located. She was found lying there and beheaded. It also shows still the creed with the three fingers. Named is the catacomb after her manager and future Pope Calixtus I ( † 222 ), whose grave but was housed in the catacomb Calepodio. About the catacombs extensive gardens were created. Later, the area was used for viticulture.

Catacombs of Domitilla

Not far from the St. Callistus catacombs are the catacombs of Domitilla ( Domitilla Catacombs of Santa ) with the Via delle Sette Chiese 280 address you are considered the largest and most impressive catacombs of Rome, because they have four floors, which house the graves of each is five meters high.

Priscilla Catacombs

The Catacombs of Priscilla ( Catacombs of Santa Priscilla ) are located on the Via Salaria, close to the park of Villa Ada. In it, provided with the early Christian paintings Greek chapel ( with a scene that is called fractio panis ( " breaking of bread " ) ). The Madonna and Child with Prophet is the oldest representation of the Madonna.

On May 31, 1578 work was discovered by chance in the wine this early Christian grave chamber at.
