Central Council of Ex-Muslims#Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

The Council of Ex - Muslims of Britain ( CEMB abbr, British Council of Ex-Muslims ) is the UK organization consisting of former Muslims who fear for their lives because they have renounced Islam. The Council was established on 22 June 2007 in Westminster.

The Council raises his protest against Islamic states that still enforce the death penalty against Muslim apostates in application of Sharia. The Council stands in front of Maryam Namazie, who received in 2005 the award for Secularist of the Year and was threatened with death.

The British Humanist Association and the National Secular Society sponsored the creation of this new organization and financially support their goals.

The activists of this organization are recruited largely from Iranian exile -seekers who were interested in the freedom of religious criticism and curbing the - use " religious intimidation and threats " - as they call it


The CEMB defends himself in his manifesto against the fact that its members are represented by regressive Islamic organizations or " leaders of Muslim communities ." He had become the spokesman for countless other apostates by their public relations who are afraid because of the death threats against a public confession. The CEMB "stands for reason, human rights and the separation of religion and state."

Furthermore, the Council demanded in his manifesto various theses, such as the freedom of religious criticism, the separation of religion and state and the " protection of children from foreign domination and abuse by religion and by religious organizations ".
