Cercanías Zaragoza

Cercanías Zaragoza is a commuter train in the Spanish city of Zaragoza, which began regular operation of the Expo 2008. This is initially a short, single line that runs on the Expo site to the central station from the suburb Utebo and the city passed under from there in a tunnel in west -east direction, where they at Miraflores station back to the daylight leads and ends at the eastern edge of town. It is the only train in Spain, which serves the inner-city traffic only and thus has the character of a light rail to provide a replacement for a missing metro at that Expo 2008.

Preparatory work for an S -Bahn tunnel have already been made in the construction of the high speed line from Madrid to Barcelona, ​​which was carried out in a tunnel under the city. During the construction of the railway tunnel rail tracks for a future S- Bahn tracks were considered. However, no broad gauge tracks were laid for a commuter train in order to complete the high-speed rail and built for the stations only shells. The expansion of the S-Bahn line was addressed only after the opening of the high-speed line.

In a second stage, two lines connect the city with the surrounding communities. The tunnel between the stations Delicias and Miraflores serves as a main route. The second stage is to go in the year 2015.


Asturias | Barcelona | Bilbao | Cádiz | Madrid | Malaga | Murcia / Alicante | San Sebastián | Santander | Seville | Valencia | Zaragoza

  • S-Bahn ( Spain)
  • Traffic ( Aragon )
  • Zaragoza