
  • Southeast Asia (Thailand)

Cetopangasius is an extinct genus of fish from the family of shark catfish ( Pangasiidae ). It is only by the type species Cetopangasius chaetobranchus known whose fossils have been found in deposits from the Miocene Phetchabun province in north central Thailand.


The genus Cetopangasius differs from other Haiwelsen by a very large head and the very high number of over 100 very long beams at the gills trap. The hard jets of dorsal fin and pectoral fins are cut very sharply and clearly. The dorsal fin has 7, the pectoral fins have 13, the pelvic fins 5 or 6 and the anal fin 38 to 42 soft rays on. The species C. chaetobranchus reached a length of about 50 cm.


  • Tyson R. Roberts: Miocene fishes from lake phetchuan in north-central Thailand, with descriptions of new taxa of Cyprinidae, Pangasiidae, and Chan Didae. In: The Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society. 47, 1999, pp. 153-189. (Online, PDF, 2.4 MB)
  • Siamese catfish
  • Pangasiidae
  • Extinct teleost