Chang Kyou-chul

Chang Kyou - chul ( born as Chang Sun -gil, † April 19, 2000, born June 19, 1946) was a South Korean boxer.

Chang won 1965 flyweight (-51 kg), the Asian Championships in Seoul. In 1967 he was able to repeat (-54 kg) this success bantamweight. At the Olympic Games in the year, Chang reached after victories over Mario Mendoza, Guatemala (5-0 ), Chi - Yen Wang, Taipei (3:2), the EM- third from 1967 Nikolay Savov, Bulgaria ( KO 3 ), and Horst Rascher, Germany (5-0 ), the semi-finals. In this level in Eridadi Mukwanga, Uganda, against which he was beaten 4-1 judges' votes. Thus Chang retired with a bronze medal from the tournament.


  • Amateur-