Charismatic authority

The term of the Charismatic domination goes back to Max Weber and describes the social relationship between a carrier Charisma (ruler ) and a charisma believers ( people ) in a relationship of domination. Charismatic rulers are, for example, Napoleon, Otto von Bismarck, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, inter alia, in the charismatic leadership of charisma carrier has a leadership position that gives him authority and command. These persist only as long as the charisma believer is willing to obey and follow. Faith in the charismatics remains bound to the performance of his probation.

Rainer Lepsius

The model of charismatic leadership has been further developed by Rainer Lepsius. He added the model to the

  • Latent charismatic situation,
  • The manifest charismatic situation,
  • The structure of charismatic leadership.

The latent charismatic situation

The latent charismatic situation is the prerequisite for a charismatic ruler is accepted by the people. It is, for example, given if the people a crisis is perceived and the responsible actors, this crisis can not cope. The delegitimization of those responsible for creating a power vacuum in which the nation hopes to lead a " strong man ".

Deferred charismatic situations:

The manifest charismatic situation

The manifest charismatic situation occurs when a charismatic leader could gain confidence and faith of the people. The Charismatics refers to a rule:

  • Last values ​​such as " rescue from destruction ", " survival ", but not to the implementation of concrete resolution measures;
  • The hope of something new: eg " Germany Awake ". The determination euphematische mostly dominated while the substantive statement;
  • The worldview of dualism. Example: " civil war or the Nazi Party ".

The structure of charismatic authority

The charismatics can not control his actions to not noticed any method, corresponding to no role expectations and displaces all the actors who would limit his position by rules or participation rights. According to Max Weber, the charismatic authority is still legitimate, as long as his followers believe in the values ​​and virtues of the charismatic and whose actions proved successful.

In parallel with the rise of the charismatic ruler occurs a decrease of institutionalization and social decision-making processes. The charismatics is the sole decision-making and governing body that no coalition or action binding submits. He has the sole monopoly of interpretation.

Rainer Lepsius will pose the following problem: The genuine charisma, the direct relationship between charisma and Charismagläubigem carrier can no longer be produced in a pluralistic state area.

Solution: Due to the resolution of formal coordination procedures (eg, in the bureaucracy ) the charismatics falls play a central role as a coordinating body. The charismatics is thus also the central instance legitimacy of the entire political system ( eg Hitler - Third Reich).
