
The word charismatic is derived from charisma, Greek χάρισμα ( German: grace ), and has its origins in the Christian pneumatology.

The term is used in different contexts with different meanings:

  • He is the sociological term for a particularly gifted people, often with a captivating atmosphere and great influence, including in the political sphere of the Charismatic domination described by Max Weber.
  • The term charismatic Christians called the Charismatic movement; they are convinced that we have been blessed in a special way with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Charisma in Politics

Franz Walter portrayed in 2009 in a book great charismatics of German history - Konrad Adenauer, Willy Brandt, Franz Josef Strauss, Helmut Kohl, Joschka Fischer, Oskar Lafontaine - and compared them with their " efficient " subordinates Hans Globke, Horst Ehmke, Edmund Stoiber, Rudolf Seiter, etc. Walter summarizes what today Political Leadership making up. Some of the properties that he calls, can be seen as components of Charisma: political instinct, power awareness, authenticity, vision, Fortune, leadership qualities.
