Charles Hutchison

Charles A. Hutchison ( born December 3, 1879 in Allegheny, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, † May 30, 1949 in Hollywood, California ) was an American actor and film director.


After studying at the Western University, a year in Chicago and moved to New York Hutchison came by chance to experience on stage at the beginning of the century. After this was disappointing, Hutchison played 1914-1944 in numerous films. His most successful period was as a male Serial - star for the film company Pathé 1918-1922, in which he played many action scenes; he was famous for (but not executed by himself) motorcycle jumps. Then he directed himself often, usually at their own script, and independent of the major studios. One last serial was formed in 1926 with Lightning Hutch, which was located in the Western milieu. The title character of " Larry " Hutch " Hutchdale " had been created in 1921 for Hurricane Hutch. In England Hutchison produced a Western movie to this figure.

Hutchison was married to actress Edith Thornton.

Pictures of Charles Hutchison
