
Chick-fil -A is the name of an American fast food restaurant chain founded in 1946 that specializes in the sale of chicken meat products. This offer can be found, among other chicken sandwiches, wraps and salads. The company has more than 1,500 stores (2010) and is in competition with Popeyes and Church's Chicken. The chain polarized by the Christian fundamentalist occurrence of management.



In 1984, Truett and Jeannette Cathy charitable WinShape Foundation. In the United States (standing on two legs cows with neck billboards ) got the 1995 running advertising campaign, " Eat Mor Chikin, " great attention and won several awards. Key players in the promotion were to eat three cows, which prompted with posters to give them not but chickens.

Chick- fil-A is closed on Sundays for religious reasons. The founder Truett Cathy intended to ensure its employees a free Sunday. To date, this tradition continues.

Rejection of homosexuality

The chain supports Christian conservative, anti - gay organizations like Focus on the Family, National Organization for Marriage, Pennsylvania Family Institute, Exodus International, American Family Association or the Family Research Council. However, there are catered to all customers. Director Dan Cathy said in two interviews in mid-July 2012 against the same-sex marriage and said the U.S. go with the recognition of gay marriage, the " judgment of God " to himself and continued: "I believe that we invite God to over to judge us when we shake our fist at him and say, We know better than you what makes a marriage. '"

This triggered one hand from a boom in the restaurants of the chain, it formed queues of customers who expressed approval and solidarity with the theses of the Company Director. Support the company received by the former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, the former Senator from Pennsylvania Rick Santorum, the evangelical preacher Billy Graham and the Southern Baptist Convention.

On the other hand, solved the utterances of protests and calls for boycotts of homosexual organizations. On Facebook more than 14,000 people protested against the chain. The Jim Henson Company withdrew Muppets toys for the children's meals from Chick -fil- A, and the mayor of San Francisco, Washington, DC, Boston and Chicago were against the settlement of branches of the fast-food chain in their cities. The Amazon founder Jeff Bezos donated publicity $ 2.5 million to an organization that seeks to impose gay marriage in the state of Washington.
