
1 COMS (Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite ) is a South Korean communications, oceanography and meteorology satellite.

COMS 1 was launched on June 26, 2010 21:41 UTC along with Arabsat 5A by an Ariane 5 ECA and brought 128.3 ° East in geostationary orbit with the position. He was commissioned by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute ( KARI ) in order and built based on the satellite bus Euro Star 3000S jointly with Astrium. The startup 2460 kg, the satellite has a product supplied by Astrium multispectral imaging system for meteorological studies and provides information about weather phenomena on Earth's surface or atmosphere ( such as severe storms and rainfall, sand storms, typhoons, etc.) and the cloud cover. The instrument has five channels, one with a resolution of one kilometer in the optical range and four other resolutions to four kilometers in the infrared. Another imaging system is specifically studying the sea surface. In eight different spectral bands can be eg Gather information on the chlorophyll content of the water and the occurrence of fish from the geostationary orbit. The instrument has a resolution of 400 m.

The third main instrument is an experimental radio system in the S- and L- band, which collects and broadcasts weather information in standard international data formats worldwide. In addition, Ka -band transponders on board which was the South Korean Research Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications, ETRI ( Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), developed and should be implemented with the multimedia services among others.

The energy is supplied by a solar cell panel with a span of 17.2 m and a power of 2.5 kW ( BOL). The life of 10 years are planned.
