Chroogomphus rutilus

Copper Red Gelbfuß ( Chroogomphus rutilus )

The copper Red Gelbfuß ( Chroogomphus rutilus, syn. Gomphidius viscidus ) is a species of fungus in the family Schmierling relatives. He lives in symbiosis with pine.


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat of the copper Reds Yellows foot is orange brownish to reddish copper and has a diameter of 1.5-10 cm, the size is very variable. In the Hutmitte there is always a pointed papillae, which are still visible even in old age. When the hat skin moisture is strongly greasy, dull shiny when dry. The initially orange reddish fins are dark purple-brown in age; they run short down on the stem, are thick and standing away. In the young state, they are covered by a fuzzy - zartfaserigen velum. This sometimes leaves a ring on the stem zone, which catches the blackish or dark olive-brown spore powder. The stem is yellow to orange- brown or copper color with grain, and has a dark yellow base. Against the base towards it is pointed. If you cut the stalk on which saffron- yellow flesh is visible, which appears reddish wine in the base and chrome yellow with age. It smells and tastes nonspecific.

Microscopic characteristics

The elongated spindle- shaped spores with a smooth surface. You have no germ pore and are 17-23 × 5.5-7 microns in size. The stately cheilocystidia are cylindrical - fusiform shaped and colorless.


The copper Red Gelbfuß can easily with the felted Gelbfuß ( Chroogomphus helveticus ) are confused. He is distinguished by the reddish only at the age hat colors and a felt-like, dry hat surface.

Ecology and phenology

The Kuper Red Gelbfuß is a mycorrhizal fungus, preferred partners are pines or other conifers. In its vicinity from July to October, the fruiting bodies. The copper Red Gelbfuß has no special soil requirements, maybe that's why he is fairly common and widespread. In Switzerland it is mostly in the Jura and in deeper layers very often, individual finds have also been made ​​at 2100 meters above sea level.


The Kuper Red Gelbfuß is edible, his flesh runs when heated in copper red.
