Clementia of Zähringen

Clementia of Zahringen ( † around 1167 ) was from 1147 to 1162 wife of Henry the Lion.

The wedding of the daughter of Conrad of Zahringen with the Guelph Henry was a political statement of Zaehringen against the Hohenstaufen and served the consolidating its power base of Zaehringen.

1150/51 it was during the stay of her husband in Bavaria regent and supported the abodritischen Prince Niklot in his campaign against the renegade Kessin and Zirzipanen by prompted the Holstein Count Adolf II of Schauenburg, at the Niklot page with a former for the against the insurgents draw ratios considerable contingent of 2,000 men into the field.

The Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick Barbarossa therefore opposed the marriage, arguing for the near kinship, reaching this goal 1162nd At this time three children were out of the marriage already emerged.

In his second marriage to Clementia association with Count Humbert III. of Maurienne.
