Climate state

The air- condition describes the state of the climate system. Climate change describe the change of climate, which is determined by the energy budget of a planet.

The energy budget depends in large part by the Milankovitch cycles from. Climate change is influenced by the eccentricity, the precession of the Earth's rotation axis, the Erdschiefe, the ecliptic, the orogeny, by the state of the oceans, by tectonics and by human intervention in the environment. The Earth-pointing orbital chooses for significantly more than the intensity of solar radiation specifically to the northern hemisphere, thus resulting in periodic climate fluctuations.

Climate variability in the climate system caused by the processes in geosphärischen systems based on the radiative forcing to obtain according to an equilibrium climate sensitivity (energy balance ), which is based on the current energy budget of a planet. Thermal energy and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere result in the tendency for potential alignment for climate change. The climate system contains various tipping elements that are dependent on the water vapor feedback and the ice - albedo feedback. Abrupt climate change are non- linear processes in the climate system; this can be triggered by certain thresholds are reached.

Climate states

The state Snowball Earth explains the icing of the entire globe in the Erdurzeit during the Neoproterozoic. Global glaciation reached in this period from the poles to the equator and oceans were largely frozen.

The state heat house is discussed in connection with an unchecked climate change on the planet Venus and it is researched whether this is also possible on Earth. Hansen et al. 2013 calculate a climate sensitivity of (3-4 ° C ) based on a 550ppm CO2 scenario. The burning of all fossil fuels would warm the air over the continents by an average of 20 ° C and the poles to 30 ° C. Since 2006, warns James Hansen in front that can lead unabated greenhouse effect with feedbacks in the climate system to the same climatic conditions as at the Venus in the Earth's atmosphere, if greenhouse gas emissions are not limited and partially reversed. As a solution, he proposed a tax on CO2 emissions.

Climate change

In order to accurately determine future climate change, the relationship between feedback in terms of climate sensitivity and climate state is studied intensively. All feedback can develop nonlinear processes and so the Klimzustand (or the background climate state) and disturb the radiative forcing.
