Coat of arms of Schleswig-Holstein

The coat of arms of Schleswig-Holstein is divided: In the heraldic right field (ie, for the viewer left) are located on a golden background two blue, inward-facing, red armored, one above the other border lions. The Schleswig 's lions are taken from the Danish coat of arms. In the heraldic left field is the nettle leaf Holstein, an ancient symbol that has already been taken over by the Schauenburger rulers ( Counts of Schauenburg and Holstein, County of Schaumburg, Schaumburg -Lippe ). This nettle leaf is silver on a red background.


In contrast to the normal Schleswig 's lions seen on the Kreis-/Stadtwappen to the left ( such as the coat of arms of Flensburg ), the lions seen in the coat of arms to the right. According to one anecdote Otto von Bismarck is said to have arranged for the German -Danish war that the lions look in the direction of nettle leaf, because it " unduly " is, the other part of the country entgegenzustrecken his backside.

Country icon

The coat of arms may be used only by official agencies. However, the state government has issued a simplified coat of arms, which is free to use ( Everyman Arms) It has a rounded bottom plate and a simplified representation of lions.
