Codepage 720

The code page 720 character set is a table in MS -DOS and was designed by Microsoft. It encodes the Arabic script.

In the 1980s there were many mutually incompatible encodings for Arabic, all had in common is that they replaced the ASCII characters. Microsoft and IBM have subsequently sought to develop a standardized coding for Arabic based on ASCII. Finally, IBM published its Code Page 864, while Microsoft used its code page 720.

In contrast to code page 864, which encodes individually at the expense of most of the characters from the code page 437 any form of Arabic character encoding code page 720 each Arabic script only once and expect that the font can automatically select by means of a Smart Font technology, the correct form. In turn, both the frame drawing characters and some mathematical symbols can be encoded in the code page 437 in addition.

The following table shows the repertoire of code page 720

  • DOS codepage