Coffee bean#Content of green coffee seeds

Green coffee refers to coffee beans before roasting. Unlike green tea Green coffee is not a private drink. Worldwide almost exclusively roasted coffee is drunk. While the Greens may be ground and brewed coffee beans, but they are not suitable because of the unpleasant sour odor and flavor as a beverage. A lot of attention gets green coffee on the other hand for some time as a possible remedy for obesity. It is under green coffee usually an extract of green coffee beans to understand. The effect is attributed mainly to the abundant occurring in green coffee chlorogenic acid. There are green coffee consumption as an extract in capsule or powder form.

  • 4.1 Weight Reduction
  • 4.2 Other health effects

Green coffee beans

Coffee beans are the seeds of the coffee tree or shrub - (family Rubiaceae ). The trees can grow up to 10 feet tall. They are usually by trimming significantly smaller. On the tree, the stone fruit is growing, contain two seeds, which are the coffee beans. From the stone fruits, the outer pulp is removed in immature or mature state. The beans are then hulled, this will be the parchment skin and a second skin, the silver skin removed. Thus, for Green coffee or raw coffee before roasting. When the fruit was not yet ripe, its color is green, otherwise yellow, red or brown.


Green coffee is available almost exclusively as a green coffee extract. Then there is a so-called dietary supplements (English Nutraceutical ). The extract was prepared from the ground green coffee beans, is filled into capsules, but may also be beverages, chocolate or chewing gum added.


The amount of ingredients in coffee varies depending on the variety, maturity, and growing area. The main sources differ considerably in their details on the part. Green coffee differs considerably from the roasted coffee. The essential ingredients of green coffees are: Non Volatile alkaloids such as caffeine and trigonelline, proteins such as amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, minerals, water, volatile aroma substances and acids, polyphenols, including chlorogenic acid belongs.



Roasted coffee contains per cup of 29-176 mg, usually around 100 mg caffeine. Often, the caffeine content is given as 1.3%. The caffeine content in green coffee varies for arabica coffee from 0.58 to 1.7 %, on average it is 1.16% for Robusta coffee, it varies from 1.16 to 3.27 %, on average, it is 2, 15 %. A daily dose of 400 mg. Contrast, Green coffee extract contains only about 8-16 mg of caffeine.


Another major alkaloid in green coffee is trigonelline ( nicotinic acid N- methylbetain ), a derivative of vitamin B6, which accounts for about 1%, by roasting, it is however reduced due to decomposition up to 0.1%. This can be either for nicotinic acid (also: niacin, vitamin B3) are demethylated or decarboxylated to N- methylpyridine.


The special effects of green coffee is mainly attributed to the high content of chlorogenic acid. It is in green coffee to the food with the highest Chlorogensäureanteil, on average it is 7%. Roasting reduces the Chlorogensäureanteil. Eleven chlorogenic acids were identified in green coffee, by far the most common is 5-O- caffeoylquinic acid before. Chlorogenic acid is a derivative of cinnamic acid or a polyphenol having anti -oxidant properties. Antioxidants bind highly reactive molecules before they have the opportunity to damage body tissue. But chlorogenic acid is also a component of the Green coffee, which will primarily be responsible for the weight-reducing properties and other health-promoting effects. Green coffee extract usually contains between 45% and 70 % chlorogenic acid.

Proteins, including amino

18 amino acids were found in green coffee. Overall, make proteins by 10% of the coffee bean from. The highest proportion of these aspartic acid ( 10.6%), leucine (8.8%), lysine (6.8%), proline (6.6%) and glycine ( 6.4%). The proportion of essential amino acids such as lysine (6.8%) and threonine (3.8%) are reduced by roasting.


Carbohydrates make up about half of the Green Coffee Bean, most are polysaccharides such as cellulose.


Coffee oil is in the Green Beans of Arabica coffees significantly more ( 11.1 to 13.6 %) represented than in Robusta varieties ( 4.4 to 4.8 %). The main part of the triglycerides (about 79%), followed by diterpenes (17%) and sterols ( 4%). Importantly, because of its strong anti -oxidant properties are the tocopherols ( 0.1-0.5 %). The filtering removes the coffee most lipids. Among the diterpenes cafestol and include kahweol. You have an effect on cholesterol levels.


Coffee is not rich in vitamins. Some of them such as vitamin B1 and vitamin C are destroyed during roasting.

Health Effects countryside coffees

Weight reduction

It has long been suspected based on the results of animal studies that green tea or green coffee extract, have mainly through the exceptionally high chlorogenic acid content, a weight loss effects. A group of American and Indian researchers believe to have started the first ever true proof. This randomized, double-blind, controlled study was presented in March 2012 and has since attracted global attention. 16 obese individuals took six weeks Green coffee extract in high or lower amount or a placebo, eating habits and exercise habits remained the same. At high doses, subjects lost over six weeks on average 2.04 kg weight, at a lower dosage 1.54 kg weight, when they took placebo to 0.32 kg. Similarly positive was the impact on the BMI (Body Mass Index ) and body fat percentage. A comparative study of 2011 shows more skeptical. Here are three randomized clinical trials were compared. The authors come to the conclusion that the results differ and there are especially no long-term studies.

Other health effects

Other effects Green coffee extract should be the reduction of high blood sugar levels after eating, the uptake of glucose by the intestines and the synthesis of glucose. Total chlorogenic acid has beneficial effects on diabetes and blood lipid and liver values ​​.

In addition, Green Coffee Bean Extract is lowering effect on blood pressure. Preventive could work against Alzheimer Green coffee extract. It also aims to be a protection against the change of DNA.

Side effects

Already in the 1980s, was first detected in Norway that coffee enjoyment the homocysteine ​​levels can rise. The enhancing effect on the homocysteine ​​levels were mainly detected for caffeine. Caffeine is an antagonist of vitamin B6, which is an important vitamin in homocysteine ​​metabolism. An elevated homocysteine ​​level is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But not only caffeine, chlorogenic acid may also appear to have increasing effect on homocysteine ​​levels, as a study from 2001 suggests. Generally, the side effects of caffeine in the green coffee are the same as in roasted coffee. However, the amount of caffeine in green coffee extract is very low, in a daily dose is less caffeine than a cup of coffee included.
