Conopodium majus

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French Erdkastanie ( Conopodium majus)

The French Erdkastanie ( Conopodium majus) is a flowering plant in the carrot family ( Apiaceae ). It thrives on fresh pasture and meadows of Europe and North Africa. In Germany it is considered as a neophyte.


The French Erdkastanie grows as a perennial herbaceous plant, reaching heights of growth of 20 to 60 centimeters. Your underground tuber resembles a chestnut and breaks off easily. The stem is bare and hollow. The triangular in outline stem leaves are pinnate two to three times.

The flowering period extends from May to June. The doldigen inflorescences are six to zwölfstrahlig. The shells have zero to two, the Hüllchen three to five Hüllblättchen. The oblong- ovoid fruits are up to 5 mm long.


  • French Erdkastanie. In:
  • Plant
  • Umbelliferae