Conops flavipes

Conops flavipes

Conops flavipes is a species of the family of the bubble -headed flies ( Conopidae ). It is the commonest species of the genus in Central Europe.


The flies reach a body length of 9 to 13 millimeters. The base color of the body is blue-black. On the bottom of the face is a black keel, the end is laterally yellow. The black sensor, like the fat pig snout longer than the head. The third element of the sensor is sometimes brownish. The shoulder bumps the front of the thorax and the halteres are pale yellow, the scutellum ( scutellum ) is black to the yellow top. The legs are yellow-brown, the legs ( femurs ) each carry a broad dark ring. The abdomen has laterally on the first segment a pair of small yellow bumps on the second to fourth segment slightly beaded yellow napkins and dusted dull yellow on the fifth and sixth segments. In females, the underside of the face gleams white and only the second and third abdominal segment bears a narrow yellow band at the posterior margin.

Way of life

The species occurs in Europe, Central and East Asia before. They are found in open areas such as meadows, roadsides and in dry grasslands. The adults fly in Central Europe from June to August on flowers. The larvae develop as parasites in the nests of dark bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) and of bees of the genus Osmia.

