
Contern ( Luxembourgish Conter ) is a municipality in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in the canton of Luxembourg.

Composition of the community

The municipality consists of the villages Contern:

  • Contern
  • Medingen
  • Mutfort
  • Oetringen


In a charter of the year 879 the name Contern is to find the first time. The first official mention of Contern is in a bull of Pope Honorius II honored from the year 1128. The story of Contern (the name is of Celtic origin ) is sufficient but make up in pre-Roman times back. In contrast to the Celtic remains of the remains of Roman origin reveal the importance Contern had during this period. Thus one has found the remains of a Roman temple and a number of villas as well as a water pipe that went through the current center of the village. The Contern of the Middle Ages is marked by the influence of chivalry and Christianity. As of the end of the 13th century there was a church and had a castle. Today only still testifies to the Church of that period.

As a simple rural community captured the town Contern since the year 1945, the villages of Contern Moutfort, Medingen and Oetringen.


The cultural life of community residents of Contern has good, well-known on the town beyond traditions, such as the Festival de la BD.

The municipality of Contern has produced very good and successful clubs, such as the cycling club ACC Contern, the Luxembourg professional cyclist Andy Schleck, Fränk Schleck and Jempy printer currently go for. Among the former drivers include numerous former professional cyclists such as, but Kim Andersen (1978-1989), Kim Kirchen (1992-1997, 2001-2010) and Bjarne Riis ( 1985-1988).

The local basketball club Contern AB, founded in 1956, the women's team in 2004 was several times champion of Luxembourg, the men's team recently in 2009.
