Corbel (typeface)

Corbel is a sans serif font that was designed by Jeremy Tankard for Microsoft 2005. In addition to Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, and it is part of the series of new fonts that has been introduced with Microsoft Windows Vista, it is also described in Microsoft Office for Windows 2007 version or the Mac OS X 2008 version included.

Corbel is designed to provide a clean, uncluttered look on the screen. It contains old style figures, which is rather unusual for sans-serif fonts.


Of these new fonts Corbel is the only one that still the same design error as some old Microsoft fonts including: The quotes used in German and many other European languages ​​above - Unicode U 201 C ( " ) and U 2018 (') - is to the left instead of tilted to the right. This disrupts the flow of reading and leads to a stylistically ugly typeface.

  • Font