Cornelis Boscoop

Cornelis Boscoop (* 1525 (1531 );? † 1573) was a Dutch organist, singer and composer. He was the middle of the 16th century organist at the Oude Kerk (Amsterdam ) and thus one of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck's predecessor in this office.

His work

Little is known about Boscoops life. The only surviving work Boscoops us are the 50 Psalms of David (1562). This work experienced in 1568 in Dusseldorf a new edition and is the Duke of Brunswick and Lüneburg, Erich II (Braunschweig -Calenberg -Göttingen ), dedicated. The title page of the tenor voice provides the following: " Psalms of David / Vyfftich / four partyen / zeer zuet end lustich sing om en speelen op verscheiden instruments / gecomponeert door M. Cornelius Buschop ". The dedication is dated January 1568 and bears the words " tho Delft ", which is not clear whether Boscoop was staying only briefly there, or whether he may have even lived at that time in Delft or worked.

As a text template served Boscoop in the Netherlands widespread Souterliedekens ( " Psalterliedchen "), a paraphrase of the Psalms in rhyme form. The selection is varied, ranging from Thanksgiving through penitential psalms to praise and price songs. However Boscoop not attacked in the setting of the familiar melodies of Souterliedekens back who were churchgoers known well, but composed independent sets.

Many of the motets are formally structured in three parts: ABC or AB -A ', where the initial and final parts are usually repeated and have a different text in the repetition. Some of the Psalms are characterized by melodic and harmonic progressions that connect late medieval phrases with innovations of the early Renaissance. Rhythmic force and conciseness, which are very influenced by the tone and flow of language of Dutch, give some of the pieces for a particularly attractive character.

Content of the 50 Psalms of David


  • Cornelis Boscoop: 50 Psalms of David, naar de uitgave van 1568 brought in partituur en nieuw op uitgegeven door Dr. Max Seiffert. Stumpff & Koning, Amsterdam 1899
  • Composer ( Renaissance )
  • Dutch Composer
  • Composer ( church music )
  • Classic organist
  • Netherlander
  • Born in the 16th century
  • Died in 1573
  • Man