Corozal Town

18.397777777778 - 88.388333333333Koordinaten: 18 ° 24 'N, 88 ° 23' W

Corozal ( to distinguish it from the same district also Corozal Town) is a town in the Central American Belize on the border with Mexico.

The town has about 8,100 inhabitants and is the capital of the province Corozal District. Corozal Town was founded by refugees from the war chest in Yucatán in 1848. In 1870 the fort was built Barlee and Corozal was a garrison town.

On September 27, 1955, the city was hit by Hurricane Janet and severely damaged. There were only about ten houses are and the city had to be rebuilt. In the Hurricane 16 people were killed in Corozal.

Part of the city was built on the former Mayan ruins of Santa Rita and near Corozal Town is the Mayan ruins of Cerros.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Valdemar Castillo (* 1945), politician
  • Miguel Manuel Sosa ( * 1951), politician
  • Juan Vildo Marin ( * 1959), politician
  • Shane Moody -Orio ( b. 1980 ), football player
  • Russell Cassanova (* 1991), football player


  • Place in Belize
  • Corozal District