
  • (S)- 1-methyl- 5-( 3-pyridinyl) -2-pyrrolidinone
  • ( S) - ( -)- cotinine


41 ° C.

145-147 ° C (4 hPa)

11.4 mPa (at 25 ° C)


  • 930 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, mouse, ip)
  • 1604 mg · kg -1 ( LD50, mouse, oral)

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Cotinine is a breakdown product of nicotine and found prevalence of passive smoking in the blood and urine as the N- glucuronide conjugate. It has a half-life of 16-22 hours. The word cotinine is an anagram of nicotine.

Cotinine as a metabolite of nicotine is particularly suitable as a measure of tobacco consumption and possible primarily by a simple examination of the urine (but also of blood ) a statement about the smoking behavior. Studies prove that by the amount of cotinine concentration problems of the infant in the first year were significantly better predict than by parents' statements on smoking behavior during pregnancy.

The cotinine concentration may also shed light on how large the amount of smoke inhaled by passive smoking in non-smokers who are exposed to the " sidestream smoke " smokers.

Very good succeed, the determination of cotinine in addition to plasma, urine or saliva and in hair. Private health insurance and life insurance companies that require a medical examination in the recording, use the hair analysis because cotinine as - in contrast to nicotine itself - even after three to five days still can be detected.

Typical cotinine values ​​(plasma)

  • Smoking during 1000-2500 ng · ml -1
  • Non smoking during not exposed to secondhand smoke: 1.7 ng · ml -1
  • Exposed to secondhand smoke: 2.6 ng · ml -1
  • Restaurant staff: up to 5.6 ng · ml -1
  • Nightclub staff: up to 24 ng · ml -1
  • Staff in bars: up to 45 ng · ml -1




In animal experiments with mice showed cotinine in oral and intraperitoneal administration drowsiness and subdued behavior, at higher doses, severe agitation, and dyspnea. The calculated toxicity in mice ( LD50) was between 930 mg · kg -1 ( ip) and 1.604 mg · kg -1 ( oral).
