Court painter

As court artist considered to be that type of artist with privileged status (often with the rank of valet ) belonged to the court, since the Renaissance to the imperial, royal, ducal and episcopal courts of Europe as a servant. As an architect, painter, musician or poet, he fulfilled the representation needs of his Lord.

The " Hoffreiheit " relieved the artist of many existing urban compulsory guild. In addition to his immediate artistic activities a variety of other services assigned to it in (eg preparation and equipping of festivals, educational tasks, library management, tour guide ). As a rule, it came under a smaller number of staff. Analogous to the courts took prosperous cities mainly in northern Italy also artists in their service.

The art historian Martin Warnke sees in court artist an early form of modern and autonomous artist. " Only with the abolition of the courts is the artist to an outsider of society."

Famous court artist

Fine Arts

