Courtney (crater)


Courtney is a very small impact craters on the moon northwestern front, on the southwestern edge of Mare Imbrium, between the craters Diophantus and Euler in the northwest to the southeast.

Courtney both as some small surface structures close to owe their name roll their appearance on the sheet 39B3/S1 ( Zahia ) the Topophotomap Maps by NASA, which were adopted by the IAU in 1976.

These surface structures are:

  • Rima Zahia, a moon groove east of Courtney
  • Yuri Catena, a chain of craters southeast of Courtney
  • Dorsum Thera, a dorsum southwest of Courtney

The names of these surface structures appear in a list of male and female first names in the Proceedings of the 16th General Assembly of the IAU (Grenoble 1976).
