
Crackdown is an action game from Realtime Worlds, which was released on 23 February 2007 for the Xbox 360. Crackdown takes many familiar elements from GTA such as a free walkable city and the opportunity to use all vehicles. Unlike GTA Crackdown is however located in a futuristic scenario.


A fictional town called Pacific City is doomed by criminal gangs. In a brief introduction intro states that have formed over time leading three gangs:

  • Los Muertos ( " The Dead" ) is a Spanish band that has one of the three island portions of Pacific City under their control,
  • Wolk is a kind of Russian mafia, which has the second island under its control,
  • Shai Gen is a Chinese gang who has the last of the three islands

The only defense is what is called Agency, a kind of police. Its headquarters is located in the middle of the three island regions of Pacific City and is called Construction. The Agency gets involved with an unscrupulous doctor who creates so-called agents. These agents are super cops who are provided with outstanding capabilities.


The player takes on the role of an agent. He can improve his agent in five skill categories:

  • Agility ( Fast running and high jumps )
  • Driving (faster reflexes )
  • Explosives (larger blast radius )
  • Weapons ( more precise aiming )
  • Force ( stronger melee attacks and more HP )

The main objective is to eliminate the leaders of the three criminal organizations.

Much like in GTA is left in Crackdown much the player. In addition, there are subplots and tasks, which the player can pursue. However, unlike GTA Crackdown has no story elements that interact directly with the player, such as dialogues or cutscenes. Rather, his only source of information or story is a kind Communicator, on which he receives information about the individual opponents.


The BPjM has indexed the title on 2 April 2007 with immediate effect. Indexing is the game with a advertising and Ausstellverbot.
