
Kranaos ( Greek: Κραναός ) was the third king of Attica. According to him, the Athenians were called Kranaer in the epoch of the Pelasgians. During his reign the legendary Deucalion flood took place.

As the only son of Cecrops ' I. had died of Attica already during his lifetime, was Kranaos after his death, the most powerful man of Attica, his successor. His wife was Pedias, the daughter of Lakedaimoniers Mynes. They had three daughters: Kranae, Kranaichme and Atthis. The country has been referred to at the time of its first king Aktaios Aktaia, now his name was changed in honor of the daughter Atthis Attica.

Kranaos was of Amphictyon, although this was his son, expelled from Attica. He fled to Lamptrai where Pausanias still saw his tomb.

