Cranium (board game)

Game of the Year 2004: Games Hit ( for many games ) 2004 T.O.T.Y. Game of the Year

2004 ( Toys Industry Association )

Cranium is a creative way of thinking and guessing game, where up to four teams of at least two players against each other. They must prove their skills in four different categories to be the first team at the finish. The tasks provide some requirements for creativity and thinking skills, let as suspect as the category name: Star -digit, word worm, Kreato hangover and thought - o- naut ( the English names were in early versions still used: Star Performer, WordWorm, CreativeCat Data and Head ).

The game

The name of the game derives from Cranium (lat: Skull ) from and intended to indicate the nature of the conversation with this product.


The Cranium game field is divided into four differently colored regions. Each area represents a category. Here the box is set up with tasks / questions in this category. Each team will receive a writing pad with pencil, the Cranium - clay is placed next to the field and positioned the hourglass in the middle of the pitch. The pieces of the teams will be placed on the start space.

Game History

The team with the player who has next birthday may begin.

If a team 's turn to a question from the category it is placed, on which the character is currently. One possible task in the field of Star Teller would, for example, mime the phrase "From a mosquito make an elephant " display. A player of the group must then try to explain this saying the other players on his team. Will they manage to guess the phrase within the limited time of the hourglass, so the team can now roll the dice and make his pawn forward to the following field with the color rolled. Then the next team 's turn.

Cranium fields

On the game board there are four normal Cranium fields that are marked with purple brains. At these fields, the character has to stop in any case, even if you cubed value here is likely to advance further from the. On the Cranium - fields, the team can choose from which area they want to answer a question. Answer the first question correctly, they can draw on the shorter inside line on. If they can not answer the question they have in the next round another chance, but must take the longer winger.

The finale of the game Cranium is the central field. When a team enters the central field, is one of the marker on the diced category. Now the team from every main area has to solve a task. Once that is done, waiting in Cranium Central area in the center of the playing field a task from a selected category from the other teams.

Club Cranium

Some tasks - card is a Club Cranium icon. This symbol indicates that this question is played by all teams at the same time. The team that first has the solution gets a bonus turn. Then the team, it was actually his turn, must draw a new card.

Victory Conditions

The team, which may be the first to master the question raised by the other task on the Cranium - central field, wins the game.
