Crataegus azarolus

Azaroldorn (Crataegus azarolus )

Called The Azaroldorn (Crataegus azarolus ), also Welsche loquat, medlar Neapolitan, Azarole or Azarol - apple is a flowering plant in the rose family ( Rosaceae ). It is common in Crete, North Africa, the Mediterranean region and western Asia. In southern Europe, he is naturalized in central Europe, the fruit harvest is insignificant. The species name is derived from the Portuguese ( azarola, Acerola, Zarola, zerola ), the Catalan ( acerola, atzerola ), Spanish ( acerolo ) and Italian ( lazzeruola ) and from Arabic ( al- za'rur or az- to ' rur ), with the correct form and basic meaning of the Arabic word is not determined.


The Azaroldorn grows as a deciduous, large shrub or tree, reached the stature heights of up to 10 meters. He often has unreinforced branches. The leaves are deeply three-to five-lobed.

The flowers appear in May. The fruits are globose, orange-red to yellow. The edible fruits with apfelartigem taste mature in July to August.


In the Mediterranean region the Azaroldorn was cultivated as fruit trees since ancient time. The fruit tastes sweet-sour mispelähnlichen. They can be eaten fresh, candied, are processed into jams, compotes, liqueurs and baked goods preserved in honey or.

Medical effects have been investigated.


A synonym for Crataegus Crataegus aronia Bosc azarolus L..

Crataegus azarolus is often listed in sub-species or varieties:

  • C. azarolus var azarolus
  • C. aronia var azarolus
  • C. azarolus var chlorocarpa
  • C. azarolus var pontica


  • ' Julieta ' with red, narrow fruits and aromatic flavor, ripening period: August to September
  • ' Fruto Blanco ' with large whitish fruits with a pleasant aroma


  • Federal Office of Plant Varieties: Descriptive list of varieties, wild fruit, 1999, ISSN 1430-9378, p 49
  • Andreas Bärtels: Encyclopedia of garden shrubs, Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3198-6, p 230
  • Dericks -Tan, Vollbrecht: On the trail of wild fruits in Europe, Abadi - Verlag, 2009, ISBN 978-3-00-021129-4, p 290
  • Helmut Genaust: Etymological Dictionary of the botanical name of the plant, Nikol- Verlag, Hamburg 1996, ISBN 978-3-937872-16-2, page 89