
Dead trumpet ( craterellus cornucopioides )

The crater Ellen or trumpets ( craterellus ) is a fungal genus of the family of chanterelle relatives.

The type species is the death or fall trumpet.


In the crater Ellen is generally to smaller fungi whose fruiting bodies are more or less clearly divided into pileus and stipe. The hat is usually funnel-shaped, the brim is curled a long time. The hymenophore may consist of strips that run down to the far part of the stem and are partly linked to each other, or made ​​indistinct wrinkles, but also be nearly smooth. The stem is slender in most species, hollow and is centrally located.


The craters are Ellen Mykorrhizapartner of deciduous and coniferous trees.


In Europe, 10 species occur or are expected there:

Pungent Trumpet Chanterelle craterellus lutescens

Blackening crater Elle ( Craterellus melanoxeros )

Trumpet Chanterelle craterellus tubaeformis

Krause crater Elle craterellus undulatus


The species of the genus crater Ellen are edible and popular edible mushrooms.
