Crocothemis divisa

Crocothemis divisa is a medium sized dragonfly species of the subfamily Sympetrinae. It was described in 1898 by Karsch. The species occurs in the tropical parts of sub-Saharan Africa.


Crocothemis divisa reaches a body length of 40-41 millimeters. The males are pink to red, the females are brownish yellow. The abdomen (abdomen ) is elongated and resembles a slender fuselage. The Synthorax is dull red on the top and is reddish brown at the sides. Between the wing approaches are black drawings. The face is yellow and from the top of the forehead and the vertex brownish yellow on. The compound eyes are greenish blue on the top and deep red on the bottom. The transparent hind wings measure 30-31 millimeters. That with 4.0 to 4.4 millimeters comparatively long Flügelmal ( pterostigma ) is reddish brown.


The species lives both flowing as well as on stationary, rocky waters in bushy savanna.


  • Sailing dragonflies
  • Libellulidae