Cruciata laevipes

Cruciata laevipes

The Gewimperte crosswort ( Cruciata laevipes ), even ordinary crosswort, a plant belonging to the family of Rubiaceae is ( Rubiaceae ). The genus comprises ten species Cruciata; of which there are two in Central Europe ( Cruciata laevipes and Cruciata glabra). The most closely related genus are the Labkräuter ( Galium ), which also includes the Woodruff heard.


The Gewimperte crosswort is reached centimeters a perennial, herbaceous plant, the plant height of about 15 to 30 ( to 50). The square stems has a projecting, stiff hairs. The oval to elliptical, three pesky leaves sit in groups of four in a whorl. The whorls are at the forefront of stem axis closer together, otherwise dominated by larger non- leafed stem sections between the whorls.

The small flowers are three to nine pieces in axillary whorls, respectively, above the Blattwirteln. In contrast to the second domestic crosswort Art ( April to June) are also formed bracts on the inflorescences at flowering time. This plant falls to the viewer mainly by eye, that not only the flowers but the leaves show a yellow to yellow- green hue.


As Hemikryptophyt, the Gewimperte crosswort overwintering buds near the earth's surface and its aboveground shoot parts die off in the fall.

The flowers smell like honey; it is a bee flower. Hermaphrodite and purely male flowers are on the same plant, so it is andromonözisch. The flowering period extends from April to June.

The bald and smooth fruit undergoes a life well and roll spread.


The Gewimperte crosswort grows in fresh, moderately nutrient-rich grass and shrubs seams (eg, at grave edges ) on bushes and sparse deciduous forests. It is challenging in its habitat requirements. In the central and southern Germany it is quite common in North Germany, however rare. Here, the type focused on the river valleys of the Elbe, Oder and Weser; otherwise they may be absent for long stretches. In the northwest German lowlands the Gewimperte crosswort is classified as regionally endangered. The total area of the species is characterized as sub-Mediterranean -Eurasian table.
