
Ctenothrissa vexillifer

  • Europe, Southwest Asia

The Ctenothrissiformes are an extinct group of bony fish from the Upper Cretaceous. It was early and primitive representatives of Acanthomorpha, the fish group, which eventually led to the modern flowed thorn -bearing fish.


The Ctenothrissiformes were short, hochrückige and deep bellied fish that had 29 to 35 vertebrae. The maxilla had no part in the formation of the jaw edge longer, but were still, as at low Teleostei, two Supramaxillare available. In the gill arch skeleton particularly large third Pharyngobranchiale falls on. The pectoral fins were sitting at the shoulder girdle relatively far above the pelvic fins have migrated to a position below the pectoral fins. True spines were still missing, an adipose fin was missing. In the caudal skeleton still find 6 Hypuralia and 3 Epuralia. The scales are ctenoidähnlich.


  • Ctenothrissa
  • Heterothrissa
  • Aulolepis
  • Humilichthys
  • Pateroperca
  • Pattersonichthys
  • Phoenicolepis
  • Protriacanthus