
The cultivator (English to grub, dig ') is an agricultural implement for non-inverting tillage, which is used for loosening and crumbling of the soil and to control weeds and incorporation of humic materials in the soil. Small forms as garden tools ( with movable blade-like wheels or three tines on a stem ) are also referred to as cultivators.

  • In the lighter, original embodiments it is also called Feingrubber, cultivator or Krümler. The vast field of application at seedbed preparation is described below.
  • In combination with harrows and other tillage equipment Cultivators are used as Saatbeetkombination for seedbed preparation.
  • In combination with seed and planting machines cultivator are also attached to direct and Mulchsaatgeräte.
  • The durable development of the cultivator is the Schwergrubber. This can loosen the soil without assisted krumentief, a method related to the conservation tillage.


The cultivator is the mechanization of Sauzahns (derived from hakenfömigen grave floor), or of Karst and Krail. From the mid 19th century, the cultivators were manufactured in rigid construction. The draft, the working width and the number of teeth was limited due to the low tensile force of the draft animals. The cultivator was used from the start to save plowing. He served the relaxation of the winter furrow in spring or on arable land weed-free seedbed preparation for spring crops. In regions with sandy soils it was also used for stubble cultivation and seedbed preparation for summer cover crops.

With the advent of mechanization very different Grubbertypen been developed from 1900. Spring tooth tines - and fixed in newer versions of hydraulic cylinders tines - solved the original - by shear bolts secured - rigidly attached to the frame prongs from.


  • With the cultivator ( = slight Seedbed ) plowed arable land are loosened, which are compacted after the dormancy period or heavy rainfall and therefore can not be edited appropriately with a harrow. It replaces the formerly common practice of Zwiebruch, the repeated after winter plowing of the deposed Ackers.
  • In the administration of manure or slurry on the plowed field harrows range for proper incorporation of these fertilizers often not enough. In these cases, a cultivator with a sufficiently large distance Zinc is an ideal processing device.
  • As part of a seedbed for preparing an optimal seedbed cultivators used for tearing and loosening of the top soil layer. The trailing devices, mostly helical rod Wälzeggen ( Krümler ) or Saateggen, crumble on the loosened soil and press him to prepare the necessary ground fault of the introduced seed in sowing depth. The draft of the Grubberteils the combination is hereby limited so that under plowed material from re-entering the surface
  • On light soils, the seedbed is also the perfect device for stubble cultivation. However, the removal of the straw is required for this.