
The curriculum (plural curricula; from Latin: race, revolution, orbit, rotation) is building a curriculum or teaching program based on a theory of teaching and learning ( didactics).


A curriculum is usually limited to the enumeration of the lesson content. The curriculum is based, however, more and more teaching objectives and at the end of the teaching and learning process or the study program. In particular, it also contains statements about the conditions of learning. In addition to the course content are for example also "learning and developmental opportunities of the addressees ' taken into account.

In the didactic debate the term curriculum in the late 1960s from the U.S. ( re) imported, especially by Saul B. Robinsohn: Curriculum should include precise a control not only of learning objectives and learning content, but also of learning processes and the learning organization. So it is understood in the structural plan of the German Education Council 1970.

In the English-speaking world we rather use the curriculum syllabus for a single course, while curriculum is based on the entire study or the teaching-learning offer of a school system, a school year, a school form or a subject.

Vocational curricula are often designed as a spiral curriculum. Modern curricula also arrange their training modules for various areas of learning and striving by a systematic acquisition of skills on. For example, a curriculum of business administration can be divided into the following learning areas:

  • System -based management
  • Information technology and applied computer science
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Culture, society and language.

Core Curriculum

A core curriculum is recirculated to the main contents of curriculum, which is held by a commission for each state, for each type of school and every subject. It draws on the educational standards, which are decided by the Standing Conference for the subjects.

The core curriculum is which skills are to be expected of the students were supposed to be not only subject-specific but also process-related nature. Particularly personal and social skills to be explicitly mentioned. Furthermore, the topics are presented and it is determined how these issues should be tackled. Other aspects such as grading are explained and how notes must be selected.
