Cyathus stercoreus

Dung- Expensive Ling ( Cyathus stercoreus )

The manure - Expensive Ling ( Cyathus stercoreus ) is a type of fungus of the genus Expensive Linge.


It is about 0.3-0.5 cm wide, 0.5-0.8 cm mushrooms with cupped, aussem striegeligen, smooth on the inside and dark gray fruiting bodies. Immature fruit bodies are covered with a whitish Epiphragma. The 26-30 microns long and 24-26 microns wide spores are found in the lenticular 1.2-1.7 mm wide Peridolen that are thrown from raindrops from the fruit body.


The manure - Expensive Ling is a Saprobiont growing on dung, rotten hardwood branches, bark mulch or lying in the ground plant residues. The manure - Expensive Ling is widespread in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America, Central and South Africa. In Germany, it rarely occurs in deciduous forests, sandy dry lawns and gardens.


Cyathus stercoceus has no food value and is economically insignificant.
