
Cyber ​​Tracker is a system of hardware and software that allows to collect any information on the site to save on a handheld computer (eg Pocket PC) and later evaluation comfortable and exchange.

The term "Cyber ​​Tracker " is a portmanteau composed of " cyber " (Greek, a term from the world of computers and cybernetics ) and "Tracker " (English, tracker ).

The name Cyber ​​Tracker is developed by a project in South Africa, the traditional knowledge of the San hunters made ​​accessible Tracking the modern world. Inventor and mentor this combination of traditional knowledge and high-tech is Louis Liebenberg, South African trackers and specialist for the endangered culture of the San

Meanwhile, there are numerous applications world wide.


Louis Liebenberg from South Africa was already fascinated as a physics student from Tracking. Later, he was in touch with the San of the Kalahari yourself an expert in Tracking.

According to Liebenberg is the Tracking, seen from a historical perspective, evolution probably the beginning of scientific thought. From objective facts, such as footprints in the sand and their changes, for example by wind and weather, can be drawn with appropriate experience conclusions, such as the type and age of the animals and the time when the tracks were created. Thus, from the perception by the experience of a speculation or theory. When Tracking, you need the same skills that are needed today for the natural sciences. Hypotheses and logical thinking. Only through the evolution of the track reading people have acquired the ability to physics and mathematics to operate. This is the Tracking the origin of all science.

Liebenberg vision was to combine the ancient art of tracking the San with modern computer technology. That was the birth of the Cyber ​​Tracker.


The Cyber ​​Tracker is generally used for

  • The collection of all relevant environmental data ( in need with accurate GPS information )
  • The wildlife and grazing animal management
  • The training of trackers, wildlife biologists, rangers, among other things
  • The approach Perform of children in botany and zoology in natural environments ( environmental education )

Thus a possible use, for example, results in

  • Forestry ( forest damage, species distribution of plants and animals ... )
  • Water management ( quality analysis, location decisions for sources, monitoring of technical systems ... )
  • Environmental technology (monitoring of distributed wind turbines ... )


The software is installed on a Windows PC. It contains an editor for the Cyber ​​Tracker application. This application contains all the queries and input options for the specific use case and can be generated by users themselves. Furthermore, the PC software supports the transport of the application for Pocket PC, replay of collected via the Pocket PC device whose display and evaluation. These are extensive filtering options and export interfaces to exchange, for example, all of the desired data in an Excel table with others interested can.

Exemplary applications

A complete list of applications can be found on the homepage:

  • Greenland: environmental monitoring program in the Arctic
  • Ukraine: mapping of karst and caves properties, (Ukrainian Institute of Speleology and Karstology )
  • Antarctica: Marine biology - Walüberwachung
  • South Africa: University of Stellenbosch, Department of Forest Science
  • Malaysia: Monitoring of wild Sumatran rhinos in Tabin. ( Universiti Malaysia Sabah )
  • Costa Rica: tracking jaguars in the Osa Rainforest.
  • USA: Butterfly counts in Florida
  • Snow leopards Reserve monitoring in Sonoma, CA in preparation f snow leopard research in Nepal, India and Pakistan.
  • Delphi research in Southern California.

Recent usage in Germany

In Germany, several projects in development, such as

  • Bird census ( bird bird classification by order or German alphabet, population, activities, weather, optional cards tool for the required area )
  • Weather Analysis ( Comprehensive recording of weather observations. , The observation point is provided with GPS coordinates. )
  • (. With adjustable time interval the automatic recording of GPS coordinates of distance traveled ( tracks ) are now a fundamental part of all GPS equipment. Moreover waypoints with symbol and notebook and additional GPS coordinate can be saved. ) Tracks and Wegpunktaufnahme
  • Trace analysis (analysis of animal tracks with measurements for footprints, gaits, feces / urine / faeces, character / Activities / cracks, Age determination of traces, classification of animals, weather, soil conditions, optional cards tool for the required area )
  • Monitoring of large carnivores (Recording of data for bear, wolf and lynx management in Germany )
  • BioKartierung ( inventory of plants and animals to collect data for the identification of biodiversity )

Cyber ​​Tracker in the training of trackers

