DAISY Digital Talking Book

DAISY is the name of a worldwide standard for navigable, accessible multimedia documents. The acronym DAISY stands for Digital Accessible Information System.

Both the older DAISY 2.02 standard and the ANSI / NISO standard Z39.86 -2005 commit yourself neither the medium nor used the sound standard. DAISY audio books are interactive.


The DAISY provides comprehensive hierarchical navigation features. The user can not only jump from chapter to chapter - he can have multiple levels of hierarchy from the chapters on the page number to each record or in a footnote and jump back again.

The DAISY offers a variety of display functions, as a pure audio book or for example as a full-text audiobook. The user can always adjust the speech rate - the voice does not change, their natural sound remains. With the audio level texts and images also can be linked.

The DAISY provides intelligent editing features. The user can place as many book characters - the DAISY player shows the highlighted text passages again. With high quality DAISY playback devices the user can speak your notes to read text.

The many features of DAISY can also be used on computers that DAISY reader 2.0 ( Freeware) are equipped with the software.


Began in 1992, the Swedish Library for the Blind Talboks -och Punktskriftsbiblioteket TPB with the development of a first version of the DAISY Standard for the DOS operating system. In May 1996, the international DAISY Consortium was founded by six national libraries for the blind, which has since coordinated the development of the new audiobook standards worldwide.

Since 2000, the DAISY standard is supported by Microsoft. In 2001, the first players were presented for digital talking books, one each by the Japanese company Plextor and the Canadian company Visuaide (product name: Victor ).

Since 2002, libraries for the blind in Germany and Switzerland, Scandinavia and the UK as well as Japan, Canada and the United States have produced more than 128,000 DAISY-H örbücher. These were due to copyright issues initially not commercially available, the libraries for the blind, they may lend only to their users. Then the first DAISY in Europe was presented in the book trade in Zurich in September 2005. Since August 2006 DAISY audio books are available in Germany also paid downloads. Since autumn 2008, a comprehensive series " DAISYfizierter " audiobooks appear on CD that are also sold via the range or mail-order bookstore.


Since 1999, both hardware and software devices for interactive use of information in the Daisy standard. Players (English)
