Daniel H. Janzen

Daniel Hunt Janzen ( born January 18, 1939 in Milwaukee ) is an American evolutionary biologist. He has been a professor at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and also operates Fieldwork in the World Heritage Region Area de Conservación Guanacaste ( Guanacaste / Costa Rica) and the Costa Rican Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad ( INBio ). His specialty is the co-evolution of plants and animals.

Janzen in 1965 his doctorate at the University of California, Berkeley, in entomology. From 1965 he was assistant professor in biology at the University of Kansas and since 1968 assistant professor and later associate professor at the University of Chicago. He was associate professor and later professor at the University of Michigan in 1972. From 1976 he was professor of biology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he temporarily headed the Biology faculty. He was advisor to the National Park Service of Costa Rica.

Awards (selection)
