Daniel S. Hamermesh

Daniel Selim Hamermesh ( born October 20, 1943) is an American economist.

Hamermesh studied at the University of Chicago (Bachelor 1969) and made his Ph.D. at Yale University in economics. He taught at Michigan State University and Princeton University. At the University of Michigan and Harvard University Hamermesh was a visiting professor. He is currently the Sue Killam Professor at the Economics Department of the University of Texas at Austin.

From 1974 to 1975 he headed the research department at the Ministry of Labor of the United States as Assistant Secretary For Policy Evaluation and Research. Since 2003, he is one of the scientific advisors of the DIW.

His research focuses on the use of time, labor demand, welfare programs, academic labor markets and the application of economic methods to atypical items such as beauty, sleep and suicide.

For 2013, Hamermesh received the IZA Prize in Labor Economics awarded.


  • Labor Demand, Princeton University Press 1993.
  • Economics Is Everywhere, McGraw -Hill Irwin 22006
  • Beauty Pays. Why Attractive People Are More Successful. ISBN 9780691140469