Danville (Vermont)

Caledonia County


Danville is a municipality (town ) in Caledonia County of the State of Vermont in the United States.

Your 2,196 inhabitants ( according to the census of 2010 ) live primarily from agriculture; large industrial sites are unknown.


Danville, named after Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' Anville ( a cartographer with connection to Vermont), in 1796, ten years after the first settlement of the area, the administrative center of the county ( County Seat) appointed, which it remained until 1852. Thereafter, the administrative center was transferred to the adjacent St. Johnsbury, then the emerging industry for the local area. Other major historical events are not delivered.

Public life

Danville is dominated by the strong Methodist community, which has three churches in the town. In addition, there are also ever a Roman Catholic church and a branch of the United Church of Christ. Furthermore, a general education school is located in the resort. An active Historical Society preserves the remnants of local history.

Surrounding towns

Located on the east- west connection Interstate 2 Danville is well connected to the road network of New England. In addition, in the northeast is in Lyndonville only 15 kilometers is the Caledonia State Airport.

Communities of the area are:

  • East St. Johnsbury, 10 km
  • South: Barnet, 22 km
  • Southwest: Marshfield, 17 km
  • West Hardwick, 18 km

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Benjamin F. Deming (1790-1834), politician and MP in the House of Representatives.
  • Thaddeus Stevens (1792-1868), lawyer and member of the House of Representatives, popular advocate of the abolition of slavery.
  • Beth Chamberlin ( born 1963 ), actress.