De Witt Island

De Witt Iceland is the largest island of Maatsuyker Islands and has an area of 517 hectares. Near the south coast of Tasmania located it also belongs to the South West National Park. Although she is currently uninhabited, but it was used for a long time, especially for timber but also as an occasional residence.

Flora and Fauna

The island is forested broadly with eucalyptus trees. In some places you can also find the Tasmanian Scheinulme and low vegetation.

On the island there is a slightly richer biodiversity, so there are mainly marine and wading birds, such as Fairy penguins, the short-tailed shearwater, the Dark shearwaters, Feensturmvögel, diving petrels, Dickschnabelmöven or soot oystercatchers, just as there are Swift Parrots. Mammals are also represented, including the Rotbauchfilander, rabbit or kangaroo rats. Furthermore, you find yourself with different types of skinks reptiles on the island.

Islands: De Witt | Flat Top | Flat Witch | Maatsuyker | Round Top | Walker | rock formations: Needle Rocks | Western Rocks

  • Uninhabited Island
  • Island (Australia and Oceania)
  • Island ( Tasmania )
  • Island ( Pacific Ocean )