
Decemviri (singular decemvir ) is the Latin term for " ten men ", which in the Roman Republic, a commission was called, which consisted of ten men with special powers ( see " Triumviri " - "three men ") that even the chosen partly consuls replaced to solve a given task.

Known Decemviri committees are:

  • Decemviri Legibus Scribundis: led 451 BC to 449 BC, to the Twelve Tables
  • Decemviri Stlitibus Iudicandis: the Roman Circuit Court for civil matters, later the chairman of the courts
  • Decemviri Sacris Faciundis: priests quorum, which managed the Sibylline books and the Apollonian games; later to 15, temporarily extended 16 members; see Quindecimviri.
  • Decemviri Agris Dandis Adsignandis: Responsible for the surveying and distribution of the public land ( ager publicus )

Decemviri Consulari Imperio Legibus Scribundis

In 452 BC the Roman plebeians and patricians agreed the establishment of a commission of ten men to write down the (previously orally transmitted ) legal text on the foundations of the Roman duties; during the tenure of Decemviri all other magistrates should suspended, and his decisions are final. The first group of Decemviri, exclusively of patricians consisting, which took office in 451 BC and was led by Appius Claudius Crassus Inregillensis Sabinus and Titus Genucius Augurinus, the two consuls of the year. Each decemvir resulted in the change of the government for a day, the respective chairman was accompanied by lictors carrying the fasces. The Commission's official guidance has been exemplary, and they beat the Comitia Centuriata a legislative text into ten chapters ago, written on ten bronze plaques, which was then also adopted.

The success of the Commission led to the formation of a second in the year 450 BC ( Appius Claudius was the only decemvir, who worked here as well ). This second Commission added two more chapters to the preparation of its predecessor, completed by the Twelve Tables ( Lex Duodecim Tabularum ), which now formed the core of the Roman state constitution for the next few centuries. This decemvir government became increasingly tyrannical and violent; each decemvir was now accompanied by twelve lictors, who even wore the fasces with axes (excluding consuls and dictators were accompanied by twelve lictors, and only the dictator was allowed to show the fasces with axes within the pomerium, but this meant that the carrier had the right to impose the death penalty ).

When the term of office expired this Decemvirats, refused to Decemviri the task of the Office and the successors of the inclusion of official duties. Appius Claudius was said to have made an unjust decision that a young woman named Verginia was forced into prostitution, which brought her father to kill her, a situation that caused an uprising against the decemvirate and Decemviri in the year 449 BC forced to resign, so that the normal magistrate ( magistratus ordinarii ) could be used again.

Decemviri Consulari Imperio Legibus Scribundis (451 BC):

  • Appius Claudius Crassus Inregillensis Sabinus, Consul
  • Titus Genucius Augurinus, Consul
  • Titus Veturius Crassus Cicurinus
  • Gaius Iulius Iullus
  • Aulus Manlius Vulso
  • Servius Sulpicius Came Rinus Cornutus
  • Publius Sestius Capito Vaticanus
  • Publius Curiatius Fistus trigeminal
  • Titus Romilius Rocus Vaticanus and
  • Spurius Postumius Albus Regillensis

Decemviri Consulari Imperio Legibus Scribundis ( 450-449 BC)

  • Appius Claudius Crassus Inregillensis Sabinus, Consul
  • Marcus Cornelius Maluginensis
  • Marcus Sergius Esquiline
  • Lucius Minucius Esquiline Augurinus
  • Quintus Fabius Vibulanus
  • Quintus Poetelius Libo Visolus
  • Titus Antonius Merenda
  • Caeso Duillius Longus
  • Spurius Oppius Cornicen and
  • Manius Rabuleius

Decemviri Stlitibus Iudicandis

This type of Decemvirats, also Decemviri Litibus Iudicandis ( stlis ( altlat. ) = lis, dt dispute process ) called, was a civil court of ancient origin, whose establishment is traditionally attributed to Servius Tullius and the King engaged primarily with the freedom and other civil rights by and for individuals addressed. Initially serving the Decemviri as jurors, the judgments were talking chaired by the praetor, but later they were simple Richter ( magistratus minores ) of the Republic, elected by the Comitia Populi tributa annually and part of the Vigintisexviri ( " 26 Men" ).

Suetonius and Cassius Dio report that Augustus Decemviri preside in the courts of centumviri ( " hundred men " ) rendered.

Decemviri Agris Dandis Adsignandis

This type of decemvirate was convened from time to time in order to measure the public land ( ager publicus ) and to monitor its distribution.

Offices of Cursus honorum: Bursary | tribune | aedileship | praetorship | Consulate | censorship

Extraordinary offices: Decemviri | tresviri | Interrex | Master equitum | Dictator

Other offices and honorary titles: Vigintisexviri | Tribunus Soldiers | Praefectus | Legatus | Magister militum | Comes | Dux | Vicar | Pontifex Maximus | Imperator | princeps senatus | Pater patriae | Augustus | Caesar

  • Roman Office
  • Roman Republic