Deception Pass

Deception Pass is a strait in north-western U.S. state of Washington, which separates Whidbey Iceland Fidalgo Iceland. It connects to the Puget Sound Skagit Bay associated with the Juan de Fuca Strait.


The first Europeans who went through this passage, formed on June 1, 1792 a group of seafarers under Joseph Whidbey. They belonged to the Vancouver expedition, and George Vancouver gave the name of passage "deception ", in German " deception " because it has previously looked like that it was in the strait a narrow bay instead of a drive-through. The discovery was made ​​of the supposed Peninsula Whidbey Iceland.

Within this strait lies just east of the Deception Pass Bridge, the small Ben Ure Iceland, which played a role in the smuggling of Chinese immigrants. Ure and his partner Lawrence "Pirate" Kelly were quite successful in this business and played with the United States Customs Department for years cat and mouse. Ure had its own base on Deception. The local traditions report that Ures Indian woman camped on the visible from the open sea from Strawberry Iceland and Ure signaled with a fire if the coast was clear, and her husband was able to bring the illegal cargo safely. During transport, Ure grabbed the Chinese immigrants in Hessian sacks, which he acquitted himself when approached by the customs. He tossed unceremoniously overboard, and the currents of the tides flooded later the bodies of Einwander north and west of the passage on the shores of San Juan Iceland, and many of them ended up in a bay, the "One Dead 's Bay " was known as.

Between 1910 and 1924 was at Deception Pass a quarry in operation, which was a branch of the state prison of Walla Walla. On the side of Fidalgo Iceland were barracks for about 40 prisoners who had been sentenced for various crimes, including murder. The carved stone was loaded onto barges and transported to Seattle. The camp was disbanded in 1924, but the remains of the quarry are still visible. However, the place is dangerous. During the years, many serious accidents have occurred because visitors to the steep cliffs lost his footing.

In July 1935, the Deception Pass Bridge between Whidbey and Fidalgo Iceland Iceland was completed. This leads on passport Iceland, a small island lying in the passage. Prior to the completion of the bridge travelers and traders had to use a ferry to commute between Fidalgo and Whidby Iceland Iceland.

Deception Pass is located today within the Deception Pass State Park, which is the most visited state park in Washington each year with over two million visitors. The park was established in the 1930s, and the roads, trails and buildings on the park were built by the Civilian Conservation Corps. Deception Pass is primarily a destination for kayakers and boaters.

Deception Pass in the culture

The horror film ring was partially filmed in the vicinity of the strait.

The coming of Seattle grunge band Mudhoney named on published their 1993 EP Five Dollar Bob's Mock Cooter Stew a song entitled " Deception Pass ".
