

Dedza is a city in Malawi with about 20,000 inhabitants on a 1600 meter high plateau between the Dedza Mountains to the paved main road M1 Blantyre Lilongwe. It is the capital of the eponymous district with 3624 km ² and 486 682 inhabitants.

The city has an airfield is connected to the national bus network as well as to the power and telephone networks. Dedza is a regional commercial center with shops, crafts and lower management.

Since the climate is comparatively rough, corn grows poorly in this region. The introduction of potato cultivation was, however, successful and has given this region until well into Mozambique a nutritional basis. The immediate situation on the border with Mozambique economically plays an important role. How Nsanje is Dedza to economic far to Mozambique, social and health center.

In Dedza Pottery and ceramics are produced mainly for the domestic market.

Nearby is the Iron Age Chencherere cave that is associated with the Nkope culture and the early Munhumutapa Empire. Ten kilometers north of Dedze can be found in the mountains Chongoni numerous rock drawings of the Chewa and Batwa. They were included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage in 2006.

Dedza is the seat of the Diocese of Dedza.

  • Location in Malawi
  • Central Region (Malawi )
  • Place in Africa