Delta Cancri

Asellus Australis (Latin for " southern donkey ") is the proper name of the star δ Cancri (Delta Cancri ) in the constellation Cancer. He belongs to the spectral class K0 and has an apparent magnitude of 3.9 mag.

Asellus Australis is 150 light- years away from Earth. It can be covered as ekliptiknaher star from the moon, and (very rarely) by planets.

In Greek mythology represent Asellus Australis (the second brightest fixed star in Cancer ) and the somewhat weaker Asellus Borealis (northern donkey) the two beasts of burden is that the god Dionysus wore over a river in one of his wanderings through Asia Minor and were moved thanksgiving to the sky. They are there on both sides of the shimmering star cluster of the crib ( Praesepe or M44 ) and do at the feeding amicably.

Coordinates ( equinox 2000)

See also: Asellus Primus ( boat ), Asellus Secundus

  • Individual fourth star size
  • Cancer ( constellation )

Pictures of Delta Cancri
