Democratic List of Nazareth

Reschima Demokratit shel Natzrat (Arabic القائمة الديموقراطية للناصرة, Hebrew רשימה דמוקרטית של נצרת, lit. Democratic List of Nazareth ) was a political party in Israel and the only Israeli-Arab party that won seats to the first Knesset. The party was financially supported by the party Mifleget Poale Eretz Israel ( Mapai ) and was named to Nazareth, because that was the place with the most Arabs in Israel.


In the party Mifleget Poale Eretz Israel concerns about the under-representation of Arab citizens in political decision-making and participation in political life in the new State of Israel were expressed as the Mifleget Poale Eretz Israel was unattractive in terms of their history and ideology for Arabs. In addition, Arabs were not a member of Mifleget Poale Eretz Israel, due to the opposition " loyal Arabs " and " Zionist party ". The party experts on Arab affairs now sought for ways to resolve this contradiction. So they came up with the idea to start their own list for the participation in the political process of the Arab population, which could successfully participate by providing financial and material support of the party apparatus of Mifleget Poale Eretz Israel in the coming elections. Of course, the Mifleget Poale Eretz Israel secured to a corresponding influence on the newly formed party. As a result of this idea Reschima Demokratit shel Natzrat was founded.

At the first election in Israel after the Declaration of Independence on 25 January 1949, the Reschima Demokratit shel Natzrat participated successfully. It achieved 1.7% of the vote and two seats in the First Knesset, which were dressed Seif el -Din el- Zoubi and the party leader Amin - Salim Jarjora. Reschima Demokratit shel Natzrat supported the coalition government formed on March 8, 1949, David Ben- Gurion. This government failed because of different views on religious education and the resolution of the Ministry of rationing and supply and the proposed appointment of an entrepreneur as Minister of Trade and Industry and as the United Religious Front left the government coalition. After the different views were clarified, the second government led by David Ben- Gurion was formed on 1 November 1950.

The party Reschima Demokratit shel Natzrat took no more part in the parliamentary election in 1951, as Seif el -Din el- Zoubi had been elected on the list of the Democratic List of Israeli Arabs. Amine Salim Jarjora returned no more to the Knesset back, but was mayor of Nazareth in 1954 and exercised the office until the assumption of office of el- Zoubi 1959.

MPs in the Knesset
