Descartes (crater)


Descartes is an impact crater on the lunar front side of the crater to the northeast and southwest of Kant Abulfeda The edge of the heavily eroded crater is preserved only in the southern part. The interior is uneven and has concentric structures.

About 85 kilometers north of the center of Descartes is the landing site of Apollo 16 (8 ° 58 ' 23 " S, 15 ° 30 ' 1" OMoon - 8.97301115.500189 ). The area surrounding the landing area is informally referred to as Descartes Highlands.

A circular area with a high albedo north of Descartes, whose diameter is denoted by the two crater about Dollond E and C Descartes, was identified by measurements of the lunar magnetic field of the spacecraft Clementine as moon swirls.

The crater was officially named by the IAU in 1935 by the French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes.
