
59.0223.305556Koordinaten: 59 ° 1 ' N, 23 ° 18'

Diby ( German Dibi, estonia Swedish Dibe ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Vormsi ( Vormsi vald ) in Lääne. The town lies in the northeast of the fourth largest Estonian island of Vormsi ( German Worms, Swedish Ormsö ).

Inhabitants and History

Diby has now only eight inhabitants ( 31 December 2011) ..

The place was first mentioned in documents in 1540 under the name Duederbw. 1567 is the place listed as dorp tho Dudder, 1627 under the name Dyby.

Diby was inhabited until the Second World War, like all the villages Vormsis majority of Estonian Swedes.


To the north of the village center is located near the Baltic Sea coast of the saline lake Diby järv or Träski järv (Swedish Dibyträske ). His bank has a total length of 1966 meters. It is equipped with 8.8 hectares of water is the third largest lake in the Vormsi.
